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How To...
Add a new Language(04-12-2008)
In order to support a new language, you will have to:Choose 2 characters for the language,Provide translations, Provide a small "flag" image for the language selection, and update your directory structure. 1. Choose 2 characters
Each language is defined by 2 characters You can choose them arbitrarily, but it must be exactly 2 characters. It is advised to follow the standards for simpification.
For example, let's add Italian as "it".

Allow comments(01-05-2010)
You can allow comments inline, on a given page of your site.

Just put in your content file the following tag:

That's all... but you're responsible to put it at a location that looks good on your page. Usually completely at the end, with a header above saying this is the comment section...

As a test, here you are:

Arbitrary link(06-12-2008)
Sometimes, a page or a folder just do not fit in only one category. For example you have a category where you present your graphical art, and another where you regroup souvenirs from your trips. Where do you put your wonderful sketches drawn while in Bali?

The solution is to place it in the most relevant category (e.g. "Graphical Arts") and to add a link to it in your second category (e.g. "World impressions"). This is supported in CSE CMS:

In the second category (e.g. en/World...
Control Access Rights(04-12-2008)
To set access rights to a folder, you need first to define users.

Defining users
Create a document in your root directory (directory where CSE_CMS.php resides) with the exact same name as the name given in ettings.php in the variable $CSE_USERLIST. Do not add any extension like .txt unless you add it also in the variable.
In this file, you define on each line 1 user:
username userpassword usergroup
The usergroup is jus...
Embed a page(12-12-2008)
It is very useful to be able to embed a full webpage within a site. For instance if you have designed stand-alone pages and want just to display them within your normal design, or if you want to give access to external information without having the user leaving your site.

This can be done within CSE CMS. The basic method is to add a file with the extension .embed at the location where the link should be placed.

Within this file, give a string with the following structure:...
Handle dynamic content(08-01-2009)
This CMS is very simple to use to display "static" pages of information, and picture galleries.

However, how to display dynamic elements, such as a form and the associated programs to treat the form results? The solution is: plug-in. The principle is simple: you write a function (which must be in php or have a php wrapper) for your custom content, and you inform similarly as with the links or embedded files the CMS that you target a plug-in.

Of course, there are several ru...
There is no installer. That means you will need to make the installation manually, which requires no technical knowledge whatsoever. A future version may include a short installer, if the demand is high...

Required steps Check your server configuration - CSE CMS is written in PHP. It should work under versions 4 and higher. The folder strcture requires a web server with mod_rewrite support - the most common is Apache. It will not work if url ...
Make a Picture Gallery(13-01-2009)
Making a picture gallery is very similar to posting new content. Instead of adding text files within a folder, you just add pictures.

However, CSE CMS is not that smart, and you have to tell him that the folder is containing picture gallery by adding a file named CSE_Gallery.txt in the folder.
Then a gallery is generated:
picture are represented by thumbnails linking to the picture that appears in a popup-window from the same size as the picture, nes...
Make a custom page(06-12-2008)
It happens that just having the usual "blog-like" content of a folder is not enough for your aims.

This should of course be an exception, but typically, you may want your homepage to be a bit more than a list of blogs. Or you may want to have a funny layout for a sub-part of your site.

In any case, this can be done in CSE CMS, but sorry, it is not very user friendly yet. For changing the appearance of a folder, you have to add a file named CSE_content in that folder.
Provide Translation(04-12-2008)
Clicking on a language flag, by default, will send the user to the homepage in this language. This is reasonable, as the CMS has no way to know whether the content is equal in every languages. However, you may want to provide more specific links so that users in the english version of your "Namibia" pages are sent directly to the "Namibie" pages when clicking on the french flag.

This is not supported for documents in this version. However, it is supported for folders. Clicking ...
Setting permissions(02-05-2010)
There may be some issues related to permissions when using CSE CMS. In particular, while the permissions must be as restrictive as possible from a safety perspective, some features will not work if rather permissive rights are not given to specific folders.

It is important to remember that you (the person installing CSE CMS) are logged under your username on the server when you use FTP, therefore any folder and file you create will belong to you. The scripts are exectued under a differe...
Use the Administration(13-01-2009)
Log as Administrator

Assuming you have created a list of users, and among them one or more users with a "negative" group (i.e. administrator rights), then log-in as one of those users using the "user" form in the right column, you will be informed of your rights, and you will have two possibilities to act: first on each page by editing or deleting files and folders, and second by using administration plugs-in that are available in the right ...
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